Thursday, September 27, 2012

a new and old player on chitchatcity

Earlier today i decided to interview to chit chat city players: a new player and an older player.
first i interviewed a newer play named Kaytie
Me with cupcakes and katyie 
Me: when did you start this game
Kaytie: about a month ago.
Me: Do you own a shop block
Kaytie: No :(
Me: do you have any designs
Kaytie: yes i call this one book worm
Me: What are your plans for the future
Kaytie: i want a store maybe in capital city
She also wants to make a new line of clothing that is cheap, cute, and affordable
This is Cupcakes current store, check her out!

My next interview: :)_CuPkAkEs_:)

me: when did you first start
cupcake: when it first came out like 1 1/2 - 2 years ago
Me: do you own a shop block
cupcake: yes in capitalk city
me: do you have any new clothes lines
cupcake: i just make random clothes like swimwear and stuff

Her goals for the future is to maybe get a store                                              
in shopping city and she would like to make
more avis and have a bigger store.


  1. to be honest, the word "new and old player" i though it'll be a player that just played for a week and a player that all ready played for at least 600 hours...
    but wow a month, that's consider as an "old player" actually o.e

  2. how do u spell her name on ccc i want to see her house
