Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Hi there! 

I'm HouseBunny. You might have seen me online, and I've come across Hailey's blog, which I really think has potential on the posts it has given. For the fact that it has the current high sliding views, I will try to keep up the pace and keep this Blog up and running!

Currently this blog has approximately 27.6k of views. FANTASTIC! Since the high ratings on this tremendous blog, I will help recover it and keep it coming. Together, we can help it become more known than it already is. Hopefully, Hailey [Caroline] will allow me to add a few promotions and new details to the blog. :)

And as always; in conclusion, this has been HouseBunny. 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Halloween Contest (Current Standings)

The current standings are finally here!

Here are the current standings for the contest:

#1    Fluttershy                28 votes
#2    Xeira`                      10 votes
#3    Arden                        9 votes
#4    Luna_Vintage           8 votes
#5    EvanescentRoses      8 votes
#6    Elefante                     8 votes
#7    Mrs.Bianca                7 votes
#8    •Alexia_Alle•            6 votes
#9    wonder                      6 votes
#10  I•.jake.•I                    5 votes

Congrats to all these results (so far)! Hopefully you'll all stay at the top!

~.•†Angelique†•. (MidnightScreams.)

Saturday, September 7, 2013


Oh My god! Arden is having an interview!! WITH ME SHRILL. :) soon to be Yoona. Anyways, Arden, AKA Kikki as her first name, is famous. We all know that right?

Me: Arden, when have you started playing?
Arden: Since August 2012
Me: Why did you start making furniture?
Arden:I was getting tired of Matt's furniture.
Me: What about the avatars?
Arden: They were around a lot...You get me?
Me: Yes. :) 
Arden: Okay.
Me: People idolize you. Look at the people crowding around the interview room!
Arden: *Laughs*
Me: Wow, you are so famous.
Arden: Yeah.
Me: Suggestion: Dog house
Arden: Suggestions may or may not be made.
Me: Okay.

             {So it wasn't the best interview ever... Don't judge me.}
Arden: Let's end the interview. 
Me: Okay!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Busy year!

This has been a busy year! First, Fluttershy's new shoppe was amazing. Not to mention that Matt created TWO new cities! Beach and Fishing. Also, the third floor elevator was a BIG hit. ^_^ OH! And Project_Runway's Finale! Everyone was super talented, everyone who competed. (I can't make anything)  I am not done yet! :P Heheh. Sadly, one of it involved Charlotte`, Nek0, Cosmic, and a couple others to quit. :( Stay Tuned, Ummm... America... no that's not right... CCC players! 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Neko, Dead or pretending?

Neko, our loved avatar artist. (Besides hailey lol) Said to be dead...I still don`t believe it, Lie or truth. Let`s Vote..................................................................................................

Thursday, July 25, 2013

How to: Get More Sales! (Seven Steps/Tips!)

If you own a shop you probably want people to shop there too; so I am going to 
tell all you store owners how to get more people to shop at your store. 

 Step One: Make sure you have quality items and they're not too expensive. (100-200c is a good price.)

Step Two: Make sure your lot looks good. Ugly layouts don't make people want to enter your store.

Step Three: Have a nice, rare turtle and place it in the city center with a good name like "Boy&Girl Avis" or "100c Avis."
This will make people want to go to your store. Maybe they think your made the awesome turtle or maybe they need cheap stuff.
NEVER, EVER, EVER spam about asking people to visit your store, this will cause them to get angry and not do so.

Step Four: Creating ad posters and sending them to your friends is also a good idea. When people see your ad on your friend's house
they might pay a visit to your store.

Step Five: Don't do it often but sometimes mailing or PMing people to visit your store could be a good idea, just don't do it often. If they do come to your store be kind and offer them a free gift for coming.

Step Six: It is hard to do but having a professional designer's advice always helps as long as you don't take it personally  If they point out something negative ask about a way to fix it so you can improve your skills.

Step Seven: Be nice and don't complain about how bad you think your store is. It is always best to have a good attitude, if anyone ever tells you that you're not good at creating don't let them get you down because you're all great creators and should never, ever give up.

Stay Derpy,

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Kamikaze's Exclusive Collection!

Kamikaze (a.k.a Fluttershy) decided to sell her exclusive Modern Princess Collection!

Kamikaze's Exclusive Modern Princess Collection!

The overall cost is 16,000 credits. But it's worth it! This collection is for a limited time only, so go check it out before time runs out!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Project Runway : Season 2!

Project Runway is all new with season two!

If you don't know what Project Runway is, it's a competition between designers for a prize of 300k.
If you know Project Runway from season one you should notice that there is three teams now! 
Black, pink, and white. Even if you're not in the competition it is always nice to pay 
attention to what is going on because it's like a TV show. Creations, eliminations... Also you 
can see how these designers in the competition start to become better and better each week. 
Not only that but you can find cool designers you never noticed before. 
Like today, I found a cool designer named Lila who makes adorable avatars.

By the way, everyone give congrats to EvanescentRoses for winning Project Runway season one!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Hey! This is CCC's Color. (ORANGE) Haha Well, some of you may know Camp Rock. The name is stupid for a CAMP in CCC, well, its REALLY huge...like what: 7-9 lots. Anyways, you people should check it out, it pretty cool!!! The most amazing thing ever IS THE CARNIVAL! There are dragon rides, plushies, petting zoo...full of tigers......................................heheh~ . :)  Located at :..:Maddi:..: , Yui_Tsukiyomi, Skylar _Ortega, and JenOrtega's place. Visit us today. ~.~

Friday, June 21, 2013

Fabulous Designers Quitting CCC.

For those of you who do not know, apparently, Neko & Arden (fabulous designers), have quit CCC.
Questions answered from Arden on signposts:
Q: Why did you quit?
A: I quit because I found the game pointless. Apart from wasting internet, I never got anywhere.
Q: Where will it take you in the future?
A: I have REAL money and REAL friends. Not virtual ones.
Q: Where will you go from here?
A: I will start to film vlogs, play Sims 3, make REAL money off Youtube, adopt pets, buy Sims 4, STUDY, save internet, be an interior designer for REAL homes.
Q: How much money did you have?
A: I have over 10 million. No lies. I will or might donate.
Q: Any good CCC memories?
A: Yes. When Fashion_Mari and Dr.Melon came back but were no longer moderators.
Q: Parting gifts?
A: I have free things for sale just for you.
I don't think much people know why Neko quit. I am one of those people.
But what I do know is that Neko has a message for you ("You", naming people who know the password to her elevator leading upstairs) upstairs.
So, Arden and Neko fans, I am sorry to say that they won't be on CCC anymore (hopefully they will come back!). We will miss them (and their gorgeous designs).

Saturday, June 8, 2013

An important invite

You are cordially invited to Fluttershy's birthday party tomorrow, Sunday 9th June 2013
It's taking place all throughout the day but the main events will when she's online. There will be many things to do.
It will be taking place upstairs at Marmite's house.
Please come wearing a Fluttershy avatar, old or new. You may not be allowed if you are not wearing one.
We hope you can make it.
If possible please comment in the invite section if you can come. You can appear without commenting though.
Please don't contact Fluttershy about this party. She doesn't know, it is a SURPRISE party.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Cute Avis @ Neko.'s!

Hey Derps!
Have you ever been to Neko.'s shop?

She has adorable girl avatars that you'll just have to buy!
Her new style is rather new and is booming. They have cute
anime eyes, show creativity, are just plain adorable, and they're
only 100c! Now that you know where to get some cute avatars,
why not go buy some now? I think I've bought everything 
already. :D

Picture from upstairs of Neko.'s shop.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Not loading for you, either?

CCC isn't loading again. Yes, it's getting pretty annoying.
Matt should put it again again soon!

What do you thinks wrong? Tell us in the comments :)
~Marmite xoxox

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Project Runway- The final 2.

From 20, too 2. Project Runway, season 1, is coming to an end.
And the 2 people remaining, are...
Evanescentroses, and...
ME!! Marmite!!

So, I'm going to fill you in :)
For the last round, we have as much time as we want. We have to create an collection of avatars, with 4-10 in it. Then, when me and Eva are both ready, we will arrange a date for a fashion show. We need models for it, so as well as making the avatars, we're looking for models. We're very busy!

I caught up with Project_Runway (AKA: Fluttershy) on her thoughts of the final round: 
"A live finale and we are going to announce the winner live, and they'll be a live voting"

There is no date for when fashion show will be, but keeping checking this space!
If you are there on the night, I really would appreciate your vote. 

Thank you!

Also: If anyone would be willing enough to video it, please contact Marmite. Thanks again!

Hi Guys! Marmite here

Hello :)
I'm one of the new writers Hailey's recruited while she takes a brake from Chit Chat City.

I'm going to keep this blog up to date with the latest news, reviews, and I'll try to fit some interviews in too :D

But maybe, before I post, I think you should find out a little bit about me:
My Names Marmite on Chit Chat City, but in real life my names Charlotte, i have an avatar store. I'm quite well known on Chit Chat City for them. You can find my shop in BC, right next to fluttershy :)

Any questions? Just ask me in the comments!! I'll answer them ASAP!

Thanks, and I hope you enjoy my future posts1
~Marmite xoxo

Thursday, May 9, 2013

3D Beach Docks!

If you're going for the summer theme because summer is 
coming up I recommend a stop at ?Peach?'s store. She's got
two amazingly 3D docks that come in brown and gray. They
are rather pricey but worth it if you want some quality stuff.

I Am Taking A Break

Hii! This is hailey here and i am officially going to be taking a break from Chit Chat City, therefore i will be taking a break from this blog. I would like to keep this blog alive so if anyone wants to be a writer for this blog check out the tab, "New Writers" for details. This may be only a temporary thing, it depends how long i am gone for.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

DNA Nominees: Best Furniture Designer

This section of DNA Nominees below are the nominees for best furniture designer.

DNA Nominee: Anna.

Anna's designs are all fun and flawless.

Small section of Anna.'s shop

DNA Nominee: Essiella

Essiella's designs are perfect for any house and super detailed.

Small section of Essiella's shop

DNA Nominee: Fluttershy (Kamikaze)

Fluttershy's designs are elaborate and delicate.

Flooring in Kamikaze's Shop

DNA Nominee: Hellokittay (Atelophobia, Monsterbunneh, Breathe)

Hellokittay's furniture designs are all beautifully made with patience.

Section from Atelophobia's

Section from Monsterbunneh's

DNA Nominee: Harrylujah

Harrylujah makes exquisite posters with great detail.

Harrylujah's posters section of her shop

Saturday, April 6, 2013

DNA Nominees: Best Avi Designer

Articles below labeled with "DNA Nominee" shows who is in the nominee list for Best Avi Designer.

DNA Nominee: Ketchup

Ketchup's designs are decorative and fun.

DNA Nominee: hailey

Hailey's designs are very cute and simplistic.

DNA Nominee: *Space_Monster*

Spacemonster's Designs are very sweet.

Small portion of her shop

DNA Nominee: Hellokittay

Hellokittay's designs are very chic and cute.

Small portion of her shop

DNA Nominee: Khree

Khree's avis are very unique.

Some of Khree's Avis

DNA Nominee: iiSam

iiSam's designs are exquisite and made with style and eloquence.

Portion of her shop

DNA Nominee: Derp

Derp's designs are super cute and quality made.

A small portion of Derp's shop

DNA Nominee: Persimmons

Persimmons designs are very creative.

An portion of Persimmons Avis

DNA Nominee: TacoQueen

Tacoqueen's designs are fun and very pretty.

A small portion of her avis

DNA Nominee: EvanescentRoses

EvanescentRoses designs have a super cute style.

Two of her avis

DNA nominee: Harrylujah

Harrylujah's designs are very detailed and have a glossy look to them.

Small section of her store

DNA Nominee: Fluttershy

 Fluttershy's designs are very realistic and super cute.
Fluttershy's Avis

Friday, April 5, 2013

"I Ride an Invisible Skateboard"

An insane glitch has been discovered by Ivy_Aliva and let me tell you, it is super FUN. Seriously, you got to get these avis, because you will be missing out without them. At Ivy's shop she has two avis, one girl and one guy, that have the "I ride an invisible skateboard" glitch, which have been named by Ivy. The way this glitch works is that it will be like your floating, no feet moving, as you face sideways and just float while you move. Both avis are only 50c, so you have no excuse not to go buy them. 

The two glitched avis

Thursday, April 4, 2013

DNA Awards Stage 2

Stage 2 of the DNA Awards: Voting (March 31st- April 8th)
Stage 1, nominees, has been completed and now its time to vote for you favorites. We will be adding a page for nominees and anything DNA related.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

DNA Awards, Best Of 1/4 Of 2013!

Awards always go around in Chit Chat City but this one in particular stands out.

The DNA Awards has a website where one can nominate and vote for a winner for
a category so it isn't bias. There are many categories to vote for and hard choices. 
How could one pick a favorite between Fluttershy and HelloKittay? I'll never know. 

DNA stands for the three people who created it, Derp, Neko, and Aria`. They call it DNA Awards, Best of 1/4 of 2013. 
That means there will be more awards! Four award ceremonies this year, wowie. So maybe if a new designer 
comes into play they could be in it. I'm sure it will happen too, Chit Chat City is full of wonderful designers and 
people. The DNA Awards is currently in the nomination phase so go check the already nominated and then
nominate someone who isn't on the list who deserves it!

Nominate now!

Furniture Redesigned

Chit Chat City contains many talented designers/shops, but this one in particular is definitely in my top 5. At this shop you can get precious plush animals (shown below). Her store also contains beds, walls, shelves and display cases. Each item is made with care and shows it with their great quality. The prices are not high at all with only being in the 100's to 200's. So if you wanna see this store look up "May." or go to the coordinates 190:-170 in shopping city.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Easter at Derp's

Easter's coming up and you know what that means... time to shop! Cute bunnies, avis, and decorations are being sold all around CCC, but if your looking so adorable avis, check out Derp's. These avis are amazingly cute and who wouldnt want them? Plus, their FREE! Also, look at that shop, that should be reason enough to check out Derp's. So check her out, located in shopping city.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Anarchy by Fluttershy

No doubt, the day Fluttershy closed down her shop, many ccc players were very sad, well Fluttershy is back! Fluttershy has made a new collection called Anarchy in her shop. This collection is super cute and fits the theme of Anarchy perfectly. Each outfit only cost 250c so you would have to be crazy to not buy it.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Project Runway!

Project Runway is basically a contest between many amateur designers.
(By amateur I don't mean it like they suck I mean it like they're new to designing.)
But there are some designers who have extreme quality and skills that are not amateurs that
enter, not naming names.

Each week there is a new challenge for the designers to do, they all must create according 
to the theme and send in their avatar. In the results sign it says "Staying this week:" so I believe
designers can be eliminated making me think their will be one top designer at the end. There are 
judges to judge the designs out of 30, judges include Fluttershy, iEatCookie, Charlotte`, and Ari.,
they also are mentors for the designers if the designers ever need inspiration.

In the end, Project Runway is a great way for new designers to improve in their work in a fun and 
challenging way.

User: Project_Runway
(Aka Fluttershy)

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Fluttershy's Re-opening!

Our beloved Fluttershy is finally re-opening her store! (She hasn't yet but she is working on it!)

Interview With Fluttershy:

How long have you been planning to re-open? I don't know.
Do you think people will like your new avatars? No, everyone will burn them.
What was the deal with you closing your store? I was fed up of annoying people so I closed it so no one could bother me.
Are you afraid people have forgotten about you sense you closed or do you think they'll be frantic over your re-opening? Honestly, I don't care, the only person I need to please is myself.

She has also has created a new collection that is absolutely stunning, everyone get ready and I'm sure you'll be surprised about these new avatars because I was, they're pure perfection. 

Leak Alert!

Here's a leak from Fluttershy's new collection.

There is more from where this avatar came from,
Fluttershy has created about 10 new avatars for this
collection and this isn't even one of the best of them.
Fluttershy will be reopening her store very soon, how
many of you are going to be at the fabulous event?

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Carolinescccblog has finally reached 10,000 views! Thank you so much to all readers and viewers! Because of 10,000 views i will be doing 3 requests articles. I will choose 3 requests to complete. No matter what the request i will be able to find all the information for what you choose, whether its good gossip, copying, cheats, etc. Just leave a comment or email me at awesomegirl@inbox.com (this is not my original email and only a short term one fore the specific article)

Friday, January 18, 2013

New Map for CCC

As CCC players know, Matt has changed the mini map. The mini map was a small map located at the top right corner of your screen, showing you where people are and where you are. Matt had at first just flat out removed the map all together, after many complaints he has now added a white square that shows the people. Just a blank white square isnt very advanced which Matt claims "made things load faster" make honestly CCC is still having the same bag loading problems. I think Matt has started  to bring CCC down. I know this article is written very subjectively so i am sorry for that. Please comment if you dont like when i am more subjective then objective.