Sunday, December 30, 2012

chit chat city... BAD THINGS HAPPENING

swearing...cursing.....obscene behavior...broken rules.... what is happening to chit chat city????

Chit chat city WAS  a game with about 300 players at most.
now there are hundreds more!
After talking to Paige rose, a player, she said bad things are happening. She even mentioned a player running around dressed very inappropriate. She said that the cursing is horrendous . Everyone is breaking rules.
The worst part is the mods don't lift a finger to do anything about these issues. They will sit around watching players break rules, use vulgar language, and act inappropriately. 
Earlier today a player was walking around from city center to city center cursing and offending others. A mod was right next to the player and didn't say a word. They just merely walked away.
THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS. there are over 50 mods and not a single one of them has done a thing.
Not to mention mods are hardly ever on and when they are, have no effect. Evasive action needs to be taken IMMEDIATELY. What will happen to chit chat city??? Mods need to be replaced or the creator of the game has to put a stop to the madness....

Sunday, December 23, 2012

apology to hellokittay...

Hellokittay if you happen to read this, i really would like to thank you for taking the time, if not then i hope i can tell you another way. I wanted to say i really feel bad about the tension between us. I was in the wrong and shouldnt have written a post about you without knowing the whole story. I am truly sorry if I cuased you trouble and blamed others for my faults. I really hope that we can put this behind us and move on. I felt really mad at the time and felt like i was right. I thouht more about it and realized that it was really mean and terrible what I did. I can promise you from now on, that I will not write anything bad or demeaning about you. From now on I will write completely true stories that tell an interesnting story or praise someone and not do antyghing that would offend anyone.
If you are reading this hellokittay, I really hope we can put this behind us and you can accept my apology. by writhing this letter,  i am not trying to start drama nor embarass of you of any sort. I hope that in the future we can hold a mutual frinedship and forget about my foolish incident

- Kristina

Saturday, December 22, 2012


7,000 views!!!!!!!!!!! thank you to everyone who views this blog!!!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Derp's Christmas Furniture and Avis

Amazingness and Cuteness all in Derp's shops. In case you don't know Derp is an avi designer and her other account, Eat, is a furniture shop. So when you combine these you get the BEST Christmas decorations and avis EVER! The time, patience and commitment she put into these wonderful creations of hers is priceless. At her avatar shop, Derp, she has exquisite avis of "Santa's elf", "candy cane kitty", and "Santa girl", plus a cute Christmas tree turtle; and a sexay santa! At her furniture shop "Eat", there are extravagant pieces of furniture dedicated to Christmas, and there shiny too. She has items selling such as an ornament wall, huge christmas present, candy cane wall and poster, a christmas bed, santa bags, efl shoes, and more! How can you resist shiny, amazing, Christmas themed items? I know i cant. So go to Eat's shop in capital city or Derp's shop in shopping, either way you'll love the stuff.