Sunday, May 27, 2012

Copy KIT!

OK so you all know Hellokittay and Kitt., with their blossom table and recently theres have been COPIERSS!!! The pics are below......;
The original from Kitt./hellokittay

a copy cat of them

another copy cat!!
IF anyone knows the maker of these copycats please contact Caroline!! or hailey or Hellokittay right away

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Okay, so you all know Matt, the maker of CCC. Well now he has really sucked things up for CCC. In the build menu when you build stuff he changed it completley!! Now posters and walls are bunched together, beds and sofas, and all that; plus the small items thing well all of those are combined with tables, eggs, and all that stuff! I hate it and Matt should change it back, please comment on the Chit Chat CIty forums if you agree.,

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tips and Hints for designers...

Okay, so as most of you know every year has a certain "color" and 2012's color is tangerine orange!!!! 
Another hint is that high waist shorts and skinny jeans are "in" right now.
Plus pastel colors are also in.
Hope these hints help :)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Chan's grand RE-OPENING!!!!!!!

 You all know Chan from previous posts; she's an awesome designer with a killer instinct for the "look" all avis need. Well Chan is having a grand opening of her store JUNE 1st!! Don't miss it. She will have tons on new avis up! at Capital City    -70:-20

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hey chit chat city players! Okay so for this blog i am going to do awesome scoops on people in chat chat city, and also the real scoop on new updates and easier things to do in chat chat city :)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hey everyone!! As you might have noticed, i havn't been posting blogs as often. It's because i havn't gotten a good story in a while. So if you have any good stories message me through mailbox at my fake acount (hailey) and if the story is good i will credit you (if you want) and post it on my blog :)
Hey, me here! Ok so last time i went shopping and ran into Dom's shop. I just LUV how it is set up like an actual mall! Plus those objects and animals are super cute!! She has objects, pets, furniture, and avis, why not go shop here??

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Hey everyone!! Haha, totally unrelated topic but i won my softball game today!! we went to a tournament and won all three games!!! yey!!

Chan gets serious

You all know chan, the girl who makes AMAZING avatars and that are each beautiful and delicate. But now, she's not as delicate as her awesome designs. Chan has a new post board up which states:

Not lowering prices/sending; not telling you how i make my avis; no bossy peoples; no I'm not changing an avatar for you; mail requests; No copying; shop is only open when I'm online; (this one is my fav quote of chan's- Haters make me famous (which is how she ended her sign info.

What some people need to learn is that if there is something great (like Chan's shop for example) don't be mean about it, don't judge it, don't yell at her that it's expensive, don't say she sucks cause Ur jealous. Trust me i know my outfits are never gonna be as good as hers but that doesn't mean I'm gonna be mean to her about it, so all of y'all just treat her shop and her with respect.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Here is me (far left) wearing one of Seraphcially's, brand new eye design and look, its the same of iikitty's! also the blushes are very close.... well i think you guys can conclude this from here

I (far left) am wearing one of Seraphically's designs of the nyan cat while iikitty's designs are on the sale block near me, are very close in design, yes?

You heard of "Seraphically", you might've heard of "strawberry." and you migthve heard of "iikitty". Well ever think they might all be one person? 

In the eariler post i have told you about my sorces telling me about this girl iikitty who makes new acounts everytime she gets in trouble for copying. And the design ethics are very close to those os Seraphically, almost to close (bun dun dun dun)! In the next post i will be posting pics showing u the resembalance.
iikitty (store owner) is really berry/serraphically
She copies people and then when she gets blamed she makes new acounts.
i got this info from chan and hellokittay, and i am looking into this further....

Chan's shop has been closed due to a break period so she can add more designs, but she will have her store back up soon.