Monday, April 30, 2012

Chan's shop is not closed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS OPEN!!!

chan had taken down her shop after some haters did a little to much hatin, but now its back up!!!

Chan's shop is oficially CLOSED!!!! 

more info on this story coming soon.....
How would you describe AJ_Moore's shop? I would describe it fun, funky, fashionable, and cool. This girl has amazing decorative items, furniture, posters, home essentials and walls. Plus some ooper cute avis :) this Aj's shop is also very affordable, shop here or miss out on an awesome shop. Your choice..... located in capital city at the coordinates of -630:-590!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hi, i am at anatidaephobia's amazing shop! I luv her avis, especially her nyan citty one (far right) she is also selling her walls, trust me, this shop is worth comin for. located in Capital city at -393:412

Thursday, April 26, 2012

This is me and Haiiitscookie standing next to her amazing shop!! She has the cutest avi designs!! And she thinks outside of the box! She has garage doors, shower curtains, a shower and an awesome CLOSED sighn!!!!!! She also has avis with hellokitty! Angry Birds and and other animals!!! Just go to Capital City and head to the cordinates of -599:-122!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

This is me (left) and Chan (right). She has the best designs i have ever seen!!!Her stuff is so detailed and its amazing!! You really need to check out her shop located at -70:-10 in Capital City!!!

Chan! Every designers inspiration. 

I interviewed Chan and got the story on her designing and on the Seraphically problem. 

 How long have you been designing, why, and inspirations, avatar priced??
My first week of CCC, wasn’t very good then, but then I started making avatars every day and I got better and better. I love designing because it’s fun, hahaha. My inspiration for designs is my friends and fans. I get most of my ideas from my head or sometimes my tumblr. Tumblr is a blog website. I think my avatars are high-priced but people buy them so its whatever! XD I do sometimes do sales though. 

Seraphically problem

what happened between you and seraphically?
Well some of my friends told me she was copying me so I went to her store one day and noticed she did copy little things. I think she took them down but she is still copying little stuff. SO to get back I remade her super girl avatar, but I credited her saying “original by sera” Then she made hers look like my remake and I was like um okay.
As many of you know the main resemblance to Seraphically and Chan are the eyes and this is Chan's response...
I think she came up with using those eyes by herself. My eyes are very simple to make and I don’t own the eye brush.
Hey everyone it's me, caroline, i havn't been adding more posts because i want this chan and seraphically story to sink in before i post more :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The top one was Seraphically and her design of the super girl outfit, the bottom one is Chan's, show a resemblance don't you think??

Chan, a copier or a copiee. The truth reveled 

I interviewed Seraphically, a fabulous desighner and got the truth out.

Ever heard of Seraphically? Well her designs are amazing but someone disagreed.

 She used to sell a lot more outfits until Chan called copier, here is the exclusive story straight from Serphically’s mouth.
“It was craziness, someone called Chan over, so all Chan, hellokittay, and hallie came over and started complaining to me about something I didn’t intend to do, Copy Chan and I apparently copied hellokittay with curly hair. Even though her avatars looked nothing like mine. Said I get in trouble for copying. And then Chan copied my super girl outfit like a hypocrite. I told her to take it down which she didn’t. Her avatars used to credit me. I didn’t even know her wen I first started to design. It’s still in her shop now, I sent her a letter bout it.”
After going over these facts I put on an outfit of each and compared them, the photos of that will be in the next post. I can not be completley share, until i review this with Chan, the interview with her will come soon.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hey!! I'm sorry that i havn't posted any new blogs, but i will today an exclusive interview with Hellokittay! I luv her desighns!!!!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

This right here is me with the fabulous owner of Mandy's Boutique. I have already bought three of her amazing good priced outfits and her posters :) Trust me, this store gives u fashion without the bashion. Located in Capital City at the cordinates of 604:-594    so it is located at 604 negative 594 :)
Hey everyone, there has been a lot of people asking me where to get those street flooring roads that you can ride vehichles on, well i have no idea, anybody else know?????

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Come to this amazing cheap shop now!!! awesome prices for cute furniture, posters, flooring and avis!!!!! located in Capital City with the cordinates of -650:-584, u dont want to miss out on this latest shop :)
Five star hotel or five star lockin! This hotel owned by Crisa has amazing rooms but once u go in a room she locks u in! This girl bella had this happen to her... i say its a nice hotel but be careful around doors
Come to Chelsea's free day care :) she is super nice and has an awesome daycare center with cribs, toys and more! She lives in the Capital City and if u ever see that sigh u know its for the awesomest day care ever :)
At the beach!!


into the look of the greatest and most stylish designers on CCC.

I will be having a interview with Hellokittay hopefully, she is a super cute desighner!!!! i will attempt to get one with Chan to who lives in Northern Breeze city!!

Chit Chat City

Hi everyone!! I am happy to start up this blog for Chit Chat City. I will try getting scoops on the latest fashion and updates :) and more!1